Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned For June 28th, 2018

The next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Thursday June 28th, 2018 at 18:00 at Amplidata.

Amplidata, a Western Digital company, ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

Amplidata Logo

The agenda is as follows:

  • 18:00: Sandwiches.
  • 18:30: Session 1: Strongly Typed Declarative Bitsets in C++17 (Ewoud van Craeynest)
    The C++ standard states that bool values behave as integral types, that they participate in integral promotions and conversions.
    As a community, we reached the consensus that those integral types aren’t particularly type safe. So, neither are our bools, neither are our bitsets, nor the bits within a bitset. Numbers just being numbers can lead to subtle bugs and impede merciless refactoring.
    This session aims to introduce a strongly typed, declarative bitset type using C++17, by looking at a strongly typed bool and template offset bitfields first.
  • 19:30: Break
  • 19:45: Session 2: The Observer pattern and boost.signals2 (Lieven de Cock)
    The Observer pattern, is one of the many famous GOF design patterns. We will take a look at a minimal implementation, and then enhance that implementation a bit. We briefly touch some potential problems and think about options on how to deal with them. Then we look at a way of avoiding boiler plate code, by using the boost.signals2 library. This header-only boost library will take care of much administration work so we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. No prior knowledge is needed of the observer design pattern, nor the boost.signals2 library.
    Just bring your C++ (11-14-17) skills and … observe.
  • 20:45: Introduction to Amplidata, followed by a drink.

Professional C++, 4th Edition
We will be giving away 2 copies of the recently published new edition of Professional C++, the 4th Edition.

We will also be giving away a JetBrains coupons for 100% discount of a 1 year free personal subscription for any single JetBrains tool/IDE JetBrains.

The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.

There are 70 seats available for this event.

Note: The deadline for registrations is June 24th, 2018!


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