Implementing a Thread-Safe Singleton with C++11 Using Magic Statics
A couple of years ago I wrote a blogpost on how to write a thread-safe singleton using C++11. That implementation used std::call_once().
However, if your compiler is fully C++11 compliant, and by now, all major compilers are fully compliant, then the best way to implement a singleton is to use a magic static, as follows:
class CSingleton final { public: static CSingleton& GetInstance(); private: CSingleton() = default; ~CSingleton() = default; CSingleton(const CSingleton&) = delete; CSingleton& operator=(const CSingleton&) = delete; CSingleton(CSingleton&&) = delete; CSingleton& operator=(CSingleton&&) = delete; }; CSingleton& CSingleton::GetInstance() { static CSingleton instance; return instance; }
The most important change is the implementation of GetInstance() which now contains a local static variable (magic static). C++11 guarantees that this will be initialized in a thread-safe way.
I have now also marked the class as final, made the destructor non-virtual and private, and deleted the move constructor and move assignment operator.
Akin Ocal said,
Wrote on August 28, 2017 @ 12:45 pm
Hi Marc,
One note that is MSVC is an exception in this case :
Marc Gregoire said,
Wrote on August 29, 2017 @ 9:29 am
Hi Akin,
The article you mention is from 2004.
In the meantime, Visual C++ has supported Magic Statics since VC++2015, see here:
Akin Ocal said,
Wrote on August 29, 2017 @ 6:40 pm
Ah wasn`t aware of that, so it appears as it is ok to use the thread safe static starting from VS2015.
Thanks for the link
Han said,
Wrote on September 18, 2019 @ 1:37 am
can I ask how to create a instance? I tried to call GetInstance() and got compile error.
Marc Gregoire said,
Wrote on September 22, 2019 @ 5:31 pm
GetInstance() should work. Can you post your code and the exact error message?